What can we do for you?

Partner with us to optimize the business value from your Salesforce.com platform. We are a small boutique firm specializing in Salesforce.com consulting and administration services.

Salesforce - Assessment


A deep-dive review of all aspects of your Salesforce database including overall structure and design, alignment to business process, data quality, use of automation, analytic reports and dashboard, security, user adoption, and more. Includes interviews with key stakeholders and in-depth system and data analysis.

For every assessment a custom report is presented highlighting observations, findings and recommendations. You will very clearly see where and how to gain immediate efficiencies. We will also walk you through a longer-term strategic roadmap that adds improvements as your business evolves and grows.

Salesforce - Optimization


Your specific Salesforce wish will quickly and efficiently become reality. Whether it is adopting a new business process, fixing or simplify a current process, adding automation tools to reduce manual workload, developing analytics for better informed decisions, or countless other configuration changes that better align Salesforce to the needs of your business.

We start with your stakeholders to define requirements and engineer solutions. Then we implement, test and iterate until we have a solid system. No project is complete until we train and support your end users to be comfortable and capable with the update.

Salesforce - Implementation


Too many organizations implement Salesforce before defining their business process and desired outcomes. That’s why we begin with the end in mind so you’re set up for success from day one. The most important decision is identifying which Salesforce edition fits your needs now and in the long run. Then, we move through our proven five-step process to cover design, discovery sessions/sprints, data management, analytics, and training.

With input from the project team, your vision and goals will be transformed into a dynamic Salesforce system that is fully functional and operational across your entire organization.

Salesforce - Training


Even the most tech-savvy end-user only maximizes half of Salesforce’s capabilities. That’s why our training programs start with interviews with key stakeholders and data reviews to gain a big-picture and system-specific view of training requirements. Then we develop a custom training agenda, develop materials and conduct training sessions via remote WebX or in-person. Our Quick Start Administrator training program addresses new user setup, system configuration, report writing, dashboards, and a whole lot more.

Our goal is to set you up with a comprehensive training toolkit for your internal on-boarding and development processes.

Salesforce - Data Management

Data Management

We offer a variety of services to help you migrate data in and out of Salesforce and take action within the system to improve data quality. This includes data standardization, de-duplication, updates or realignments, data migration, data extract, and data backup.

Using third-party tools and in-depth knowledge of the Salesforce database structure, you can have confidence that every data management project will maximize your data access and integrity.

Salesforce - Fractional Admin

Fractional Admin

Few organizations under 75 users have a need for a full-time Salesforce administrator. That means internal employees are stretched to their limit to do their own work and oversee the Salesforce system. When you outsource your Salesforce admin needs to us, you get fast solutions to reports, configuration changes, user questions, user set-up and departures, mass updates, transfer of records and much more.

Call on us for on-demand or retainer-based administrative services to keep your Salesforce system up-to-date and meeting the needs of your organization.

Ready to focus on your customers, not your CRM?